<icon src="emojis/pkg" /> {@icon src="emojis/bomb" title="La bomba!"}}
Notice the usage of alternate syntax `{@fn x=y ...}`
<image src="12inches_small" title="OSOMS" />
The placed image is using `srcset`, also it should fade in onload...
<import from="sprites/bug" style="fill:red" /> <icon src="sprites.svg#bug" width="48" height="48" style="fill:green" /> <icon src="sprites.svg#bug" inline width="48" style="fill:blue" /> <icon src="#construction" width="48" height="48" style="fill:pink" /> <icon src="#bullhorn" width="48" height="48" style="fill:cyan" /> {@icon src="#bug" width=48 height=48 style="fill:orange"}
None of these are using `<img src="image.svg">` so you can fill SVGs
{@alink for="/" text="Home"} <alink for="/demo">Here</alink>
Use `<alink for="...">...</alink>` to render regular links, it'll have `[aria-current=page]` attached if matches the rendered URL
import { render } from 'somedom'; import url from '../images/12inches_small.png'; target.appendChild(render(['img', { src: url }]));
Imported resources would be resolved against built files, also `url(...)` would work
{@source path: "../app/index.js"}
import App from './components/App.svelte'; new App({ // eslint-disable-line target: document.querySelector('#app'), });
Included source-code have support for diff-syntax, e.g.
let value = 42; if (value > 0) { console.log('OSOM!'); }